
회사/기관명 (주)고려기업
카테고리 기계/전기·전자·제조
주소 경남 창원시 성산구 반월로 37 (신촌동, (주)고려기업) (주)고려기업
홈페이지 http://www.kisrope.com
기업소개 KISROPE will be reborn as a global business which maximizes customer values with customer-oriented management. KISROPE has continuously grown in spite of an overall industrial downturn in its early stages, such as the financial crisis during its establishment. We have expanded our business fields at home and abroad including Japan, Europe, America, etc. through a business network based on trust and cooperation. We enjoy our good reputation for quality of products in the fields of shipbuilding, steel, bridges, harbors, nuclear power, wind power industries, etc. And we have a 2,000-ton tensile and fatigue test equipment which is the largest in the world. We use this equipment for the quality certification of our products as well as for testing general industrial products. We are trying to become a quality assuring company. We recognize that having the world’s most advanced technology and products can mean survival in the 21st century. We promise that we will do our best to reward our customer’s support in this era of infinite competition.
수출희망국가 중국, 독일, 싱가포르, 베트남
희망거래분야 자동차/자동차부품, 제조업