
Changwon Mayor Huh Sung-moo Meets with KITA Chairman and Chinese Ambassador to Korea “Agreed to exchange and collaboration on K·WCEB”

DATE : 2020-10-30 HIT : 20213


허성무 창원시장(왼쪽)과 싱하이밍 주한중국대사가 20일 주한중국대사관에서 면담을 하고 있다./창원시/

Changwon Mayor Huh Sung-moo Meets with KITA Chairman and Chinese Ambassador to Korea

“Agreed to exchange and collaboration on K·WCEB”

Changwon Mayor visits KITA and Chinese Embassy for collaboration on K·WCEB 2020


On October 20, Changwon City Mayor Huh Sung-moo met with Korea International Trade Association (KITA) Chairman & New Southern Business Confederation President Kim Young Ju at COEX, Seoul, and with Chinese Ambassador Xing Haiming at the Chinese Embassy in Korea and agreed to strengthen exchange and collaboration regarding the Korea-World Chinese Entrepreneurs Business Week (K·WCEB 2020), which will be held in Changwon from November 12 to 14.


The meetings were held with the cooperation from KITA and the Chinese Embassy to share progress on K·WCEB 2020, which will be held to strengthen international exchange such as exploring ways to enter global markets and attracting investment in the era with COVID-19, and to actively pursue exchange and collaboration between Korean companies and Chinese entrepreneurs.


At the meeting with KITA Chairman Kim Young Ju at his office on the morning of October 18, Chairman Kim and Mayor Huh discussed ways to enable efficient business matching and further encourage trade between Korean companies and Chinese entrepreneurs based on the various project experiences of KITA, which supports Korean companies’ exports in the COVID-19 era. Mayor Huh, especially, asked for the support of KITA in the successful hosting of K·WCEB, and Chairman Kim Young Ju agreed to attend the opening ceremony on November 12 to encourage the beginning of business between Changwon City and world Chinese entrepreneurs.


Next, during the meeting with Chinese Ambassador Xing Haiming at the Chinese Embassy in Seoul on the afternoon of October 18, Mayor Huh expressed his deep gratitude to Ambassador Xing for his passion in diplomatic activities and close communication with Korean people since his appointment. He asked for Ambassador Xing Haiming’s support during K·WCEB 2020 so that Changwon as well as Korean companies and international Chinese businesses can become business partners based on trust. To this, Ambassador Xing answered he will support the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Korea and key companies in China to participate in K·WCEB 2020 and expressed words of encouragement for a successful K·WCEB 2020 as an opportunity where both Chinese entrepreneurs and Korean companies can achieve ‘win-win’ and overcome the economic crisis triggered by COVID-19.


Huh Sung-moo, Mayor of Changwon City, said “I visited KITA, Korea’s best organization in supporting companies’ overseas activities, and the Chinese Embassy, which bridges between China, the center of Greater China region, and Korea, and met with KITA Chairman Kim and Ambassador Xing for the success of K·WCEB 2020. I proposed exchange and collaboration during K·WCEB 2020, and we shared meaningful and fruitful conversation” and added, “Both KITA Chairman Kim and Ambassador Xing agreed on the importance of expanding business and trade and building partnerships between Korean companies and Chinese entrepreneurs to overcome the COVID-19-triggered economic crisis. I am committed to make Changwon the center of exchange between Korean companies and Chinese businesses with the various support from KITA and the Chinese Embassy.”


(庆南新闻) http://www.knnews.co.kr/news/articleView.php?idxno=1336056

(Bridge Economy) http://www.viva100.com/main/view.php?key=20201021010003847

(cnbNEWS) http://www.cnbnews.com/news/article.html?no=465022

(NEWSIS) https://newsis.com/view/?id=NISX20201020_0001203644&cID=10812&pID=10800

(釜山日报) http://www.busan.com/view/busan/view.php?code=2020102017053109600

(庆南Daily) http://www.kndaily.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=172283

(Kuki News) http://www.kukinews.com/newsView/kuk202010200512

(庆南日报) http://www.gnnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=458165

(庆南道民新闻) http://www.gndomin.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=256712


Source : Changwon City(2020.10.20.)
